Let's Navigate towards Zero-Emission Shipping
Hydrogen and PEM fuel cell technology offer the potential of achieving zero-emission shipping in a large variety of applications.
A leader in mission-critical high-power PEM fuel cell solutions.
With 20 years of fuel cell excellence, Nedstack has established a leading position in the market for mission critical high power PEM fuel cell applications. We have an installed base of over 500 systems with inclusion of the world's longest running PEM Power Plant, world's first Megawatt size PEM Power Plant and world's largest PEM Power Plant.

PemGen is our proprietary label of fuel cell power installations. PemGen assembles our signature mission-critical high power solutions in one holistic program. PemGen is one label for all your PEM power needs.

FC power solutions are not the end of the hydrogen transition; they are just the beginning. PemCare is our hydrogen-energy service label that will help you adopt and utilize our solutions in the most effective manner.