PemCare Services

Building the hydrogen economy is as much about renewing business models and organizations as it is about technology innovation. Our PemCare - Hydrogen Energy Service Company - portfolio is a service portfolio designed to facilitate your seamless adoption of hydrogen as a new energy vector and fuel cell technology as new means of power conversion.

PemCare Service

Our PemCare Service is dedicated to faciliate seamless adoption of hydrogen energy technology by our clients. Our PemCare-team aims at innovating your back-office and business processes to get the most out of your hydrogen energy transition. 

Within PemCare, we have a team of enthusiastic specialists with access to all plant data, technical files and Nedstack experts to make sure you get the most out of your Fuel Cell power system. 

The PemCare Service Program

PemCare provides a combination of contracted as well as a-la-carte services that are tailored to support you throughout the adoption process of integrating hydrogen fuel cell technology in your business processes: 

The PemCare value proposition

The PemCare value proposition contributes to minimizing your levelized cost of energy by providing the below value: 

  • Maximize uptime by anticipating maintenance; 
  • Minimize downtime by immediate detection of warnings and errors; 
  • Minimize downtime by remote problem solving; 
  • Optimization of lifetime by anticipated maintenance and proper training; 
  • Optimization of efficiency by data recording and analysis; 
  • Optimization of efficiency by energy management tuning; 
  • Minimization of incidents by proper training and instruction. 
Building the Hydrogen Economy does not stop at delivering superior technology; that's just the starting point. The success of your hydrogen energy transition is just as much about innovating your back-office and business processes.