In our pursuit of truely industrializing PEM Fuel cell technology in Europe, Nedstack is cooperating with leading partners within the MAMA-MEA project. With much appreciated support from the FCH-JU and the Commission we are making this work.

Mass Manufacture of MEAs Using High Speed Deposition Processes
The MAMA-MEA project highlights:
Developing a novel continuous process for PEM fuel cell sealed CCM manufacture based on sequential deposition of key component layers – an “additive layer” CCM deposition process.
- Identification, assessment and integration of mature deposition techniques (already) employed in thin-film layered devices outside the fuel cells industry.
- Establishing the capability of the process for a step-change increase in manufacturing output by greater than 10 times compared to state-of-the-art continuous manufacturing.
- Validation of sealed CCMs in a stationary application fuel cell stack.
- Increased competitiveness of European fuel cell industry as a consequence of the project results.
Read more by downloading the project leaflet in the download link below:
Or visit the project website at: