Europe's first Data Centre powered by PEM fuel cell technology has opened today at NorthC Datacenters in Groningen

Today NorthC Datacenters has opened its Groningen Data Centre equipped with a PemGen fuel cell power plant.

Nedstack recognizes the sustainability leadership demonstrated by NorthC, highlights of which include:
1. Opening the world’s first Data Centre strategically planned at the intersect of the future Hydrogen Backbone;
2. Deploying Continental Europe’s largest stationary PEM Fuel Cell Power system (with 700 kWe in DC power output) active today;
3. Deploying world’s first base-load ready PEM Power System for providing continuous power to the DC grid;
4. Their capacity to develop a local supply-chain to innovate, while also meeting data centre qualifications and standards;
In recognition of the above and on behalf of team Nedstack our CEO Arnoud van de Bree has today handed over an artwork by Tijn van Orsouw titled ‘FC4DC’ (or Fuel Cells for Data Centres). An artwork made on a zero-waste basis from recycled stack and lab materials with a clock set at 5 minutes to midnight.
It’s time for more champions like NorthC Datacenters!


NorthC Award PEM Fuel cell plant