
The PemGen MPU offers a hydrogen fuel cell power solution as a zero-emission alternative to diesel combustion gensets. Our DC solution is an ‘endurance-extender’ that operates in a combined set-up with battery energy storage systems to provide zero-emission power for long endurance applications.
GENERAL Fuel Cell Type Low Temperature Proton Exchange Membrane (LT-PEM)
Fuel Cell Model 2 x 13.6 kWe Nedstack FCS 13 -XXL
application Battery Endurance Extention
ELECTRICAL Max. System Power 17.5 kWe (at battery terminals)
Output Voltage 46-58 V
Connector SBE 320 / SBX 350 Connector
FUELS Hydrogen Purity 99,97% H2, according to ISO 14687, type 1, Grade D
Max. Supply Pressure 1-10 bar(g)
Connector DESO Quick Connect
AIR Air Quality Ambient Air
COOLANT Medium DI water
Method Radiator-Fan Assembly (Integrated)
ENCLOSURE Type Chassis on Base Frame with Outdoor Canopy
Weight 750 kg
L x W x H 1.51m x 1.14m x 1.45m
IP-rating IP-55
Placement Outside or well-ventilated indoor areas complying to IEC-62282-3-300
CLIMATE Operating Temperature -5–45°C (de-rating above 40°C )
Storage Temperature 0 - 55°C
Altitude 2.000 m
APPLICATION Intended use Battery Endurance Extender
LIFESPAN Balance of Plant 10 years
Stack refurbishment 24k - 30k running hours
COMLIANCY Standards IEC-62282-5
Applicable CE Directives

Do you want to know more about our fuel cell gensets? Contact us!